Exemplars of HopeAmerica herself showed up, and exactly when many needed to reminded of what truly makes Her great.Feb 3Feb 3
2024 Memorial Day remarksThis was the first time I could put a face and a name to a mishap; it happened to be a guy I revered, a guy who represented the best of us.May 26, 2024May 26, 2024
Veterans Day RemarksThose still standing in the arena know who they are and what they’re capable of achieving……I’m proud to have been a pat of their team.Nov 10, 2023Nov 10, 2023
Names to NumbersNumbers are just that — nameless and faceless. A real measure of the loss only comes into focus when we put names to the numbers.May 29, 2023May 29, 2023
Love LettersI got to share with my son a two hour, sometimes ridiculous and sometimes remarkably accurate, depiction of the last twenty years of my…Jun 1, 2022Jun 1, 2022
What’s a Flag?In some cases the difference between right and wrong is so clear as to preclude the need for nuanced analysis.Mar 8, 2022Mar 8, 2022
Happily InsignificantSometimes we need to put ourselves in places where we’re left with a an overwhelming and healthy sense of insignificance.Nov 23, 2021Nov 23, 2021
The Silver Waterfall, a reviewMiller adds depth and personal connection to a story where imperfect men proved the difference between success and catastrophic failure.Jun 5, 2021Jun 5, 2021